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Avoiding Mold and Mildew: Tackling Water Leaks Quickly | SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust our team at SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all your water damage restoration needs.

The last thing you need to deal with after a long day of work is an unexpected home disaster. You’ve worked hard enough, so you shouldn’t have to worry about your home on top of everything else!

Unfortunately, home disasters are unpredictable and tend to happen at the most inconvenient times. A busted pipe, an open window during a rainstorm or a faulty appliance can all leave you with a watery mess.

The key to a quick recovery is a quick response! Our team will respond right away to help dry out your home and to tackle your repairs so you can avoid further issues like mold or stinky mildew.

Tracking Down the Source

Water is constantly flowing in and out of our homes, which also means that there is a constant threat of suffering from a water disaster. The moment that water gets where it shouldn’t, it can begin to cause problems. It will start to leak and seep into your floorboards and can easily get behind your walls. Once it settles in, it can be really hard to dry out on your own.

The visible water can easily be cleaned up by a mop or some towels, but the water that has made its way into harder-to-reach areas is not so easily cleaned. This moisture can’t dry out as efficiently, which means it will turn stagnant and will linger for a much longer time period.

Over the course of a couple of days, this lingering moisture will start to impact your home in a variety of ways. It will start to rust metal and swell support beams, and mold can start to take hold after 24–48 hours.

Addressing Odor Issues

Your job isn’t done once the original mess is cleaned up, unfortunately. Pay attention to the way your home smells over the course of the next week. Mold and mildew often emit a musty or earthy smell, which can be pretty identifiable when it gets strong enough.

If you notice this smell starting to get stronger in the room where the disaster occurred, it’s time to get us on the phone. We will arrive quickly and use our specialized equipment to locate the source of the stink, even if it is behind your walls or under your floors. We will filter the air after turning off the HVAC system and by shutting off your vents, and we will use our odor removal equipment to ensure all of the odor particles are removed.

We will work hard to ensure your water damage is repaired and the air is fresh, clean and safe for you to breathe.

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO® for a full recovery.

Understanding Insurance Claims With SERVPRO | SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte

4/15/2024 (Permalink)

team of servpro workers unloading a branded work van and entering a business for a commercial job SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte is Here to Help® with your business' disaster recovery!

Disaster situations are confusing enough, aren’t they? The initial panic, the chaos of an unexpected situation and the sheer danger that your family could be in can all add up together to create a really unfortunate situation.

Even more unfortunately, however, is that your experience is not over right when the disaster situation has been handled and controlled. You still will have to navigate your recovery process.

That’s where we come in! We will make sure to facilitate a quick restoration no matter your situation, and we will also handle the more unexpected parts of disaster recovery, like navigating your insurance claim.

Recovering Quickly

It doesn’t matter if your home suffers from fire, flood or storm damage, recovering quickly after the fact is crucial. The longer you wait to call authorities or address the damage, the worse your situation can become. Compounding damage can lead to further issues like structural integrity problems and mold infestations.

Focus first and foremost on keeping your family safe, of course, but we want you to get us on the phone as soon as you have ensured that everyone is accounted for and is uninjured.

We will ask all kinds of questions to help create the most reliable restoration plan and then we will be on our way to you shortly! In the meantime, we will encourage you to do things like shut off water valves or open windows for ventilation. We will also ask that you take some general photos of the damage so we can include those images in your insurance claim.

Leaving the Restoration to Us

You can relax as soon as we pull up your drive. Our team will get right to work to secure your home from further damage like boarding up windows or pulling fragile possessions out of the affected area. While this happens, we will also get to work on your insurance claim process by documenting and cataloging as much as we can.

We will create a detailed list of your losses and take our own set of professional photos, noting important damage that your insurance company will want to see. We will compile all of this information and then submit it to your agent so you don’t have to worry about a thing.

Our team will follow all insurance inspection protocols to help keep your costs as low as possible, and we will also work as hard as we can to save your possessions rather than having them all replaced. We know how precious your belongings can be, and we will do our best to save as much of them as possible.

When a disaster strikes, call us to make your recovery process—insurance claims and all—simple.

Back to the Basics of Flood Damage Prevention | SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

We can all find success when we take life back to the basics. Whether you are trying to teach your child his or her math homework, trying to figure out where a recipe went wrong or troubleshooting a leaking appliance, starting from the beginning and working your way out can be immensely helpful.

The basics of life also apply when it comes to disaster preparation and storm preparedness. While we all know that Mother Nature can’t be tamed, we can take certain steps now so we can be prepared for what is to come this season.

Flooding emergencies can be really scary if you aren’t prepared, so we offer some helpful tips to help you stay in control no matter what the year has in store for our community.

Knowing the Flood Zones in Charlotte

Flooding isn’t just reserved for weather phenomena. It can also happen due to manmade disasters like burst water mains or faulty appliances in your home. If your flooding situation is caused by something like this, you might be able to recover a bit faster than if your flooding situation is caused by the weather. That’s because the solutions for manmade issues are usually centered around turning off water valves or disconnecting appliances.

The same can’t be said for flash floods or other weather-related water emergencies because we can’t simply turn off the sky! Any time it rains heavily in our community or if you live in a low-lying neighborhood, flash flooding conditions can be really impactful.

You still need to prepare your home even if your property is not listed as a designated flood zone. Adding extra length to your downspouts can help move water farther away from your foundation or adding extra drainage or a rain garden can help give the runoff a more productive place to collect.

If your property has tree coverage, it is important for you to take a few more preventive steps. Invest in a reliable gutter system to help move the water down and away from your home, but you should also make sure that the gutters have debris covers on them to keep out leaves and other clogging materials.

Preparing Can Prevent

Protecting your home against flooding can have a serious impact when storms come to town. Even if your home does experience some level of flooding or water damage during a particular storm, it can teach you a lot about your property so you can take steps to prevent the situation from happening again.

If your basement always floods when it rains, it may be helpful to look into a professional grading of your yard. This can help slope the earth away from your home so the rain moves away instead of backward into your foundation. You can also take less intensive steps like adding absorbing landscaping materials, such as mulch, around your home.

Taking it back inside your home, you should be checking your windows and doors regularly for signs of wear and tear. Old caulk lines should be replaced, and any sagging issues should be addressed right away. Additionally, have your sump pump inspected annually so you can rest easy knowing that it should work when you need it most.

When in doubt, take your preparations back to the basics so you can provide your home with the protection it needs when dealing with flood emergencies.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Dealing With the Ick Factor: Sewage Leaks | SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte

3/20/2024 (Permalink)

sewage water pooling on a kitchen floor after a leak SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte is always ready to respond to your call when biohazard and sewage incidents strike.

What gives you the ick? Dirty kitchen floors? Discovering the container of moldy food previously forgotten about in the back of your fridge? In addition to these personal experiences, we would bet that suffering from a sewage leak would also be somewhere at the top of this list.? 

Having sewage in any part of your home where it shouldn’t be is not only gross, but it is also a really dangerous situation to find yourself in. Thankfully, our team is here to handle your entire cleanup and recovery.  

Responding To The Leak

Sewage backups can happen unexpectedly if your pipes become clogged or blocked in some way. If the waste water can’t flow down your pipes the way it should, it will eventually be forced backwards up the pipe and can wind up in your toilets, sink or even bathtub. Sewage can also leak out of your pipes if you have any holes or wear and tear along the pipe lines.  
No matter how the leak starts, tackling the problem right away should become your top priority. Sewage is considered a toxic substance and you should never handle it without the proper safety gear and training. Sewage can harbor all kinds of dangerous organisms like viruses, bacteria and microbes that can make you sick or worse, they could be deadly.? 

Avoid coming into contact with the contaminated water, but if you are able to reach the water shutoff valve without getting dirty, do that right away to help stop the flow of sewage. Once the situation is partially under control, start opening windows and turn on a few fans to let the fumes escape. Close off the area to keep your family or customers out of harm’s way and then give us a call.? 

Where We Come Into Play  
Dealing with toxic substances can be really dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. This is why a quick call to SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte is always the answer when it comes to biohazard cleanup! Our team is highly trained and we are always equipped with the latest and most secure safety gear.? 

While you wait for our arrival, go ahead and pull out your phone and start taking pictures of the damage right away. Obviously, these images aren’t going to be printed and framed any time soon, but they are necessary for your insurance claim. Your agent will want to see the situation as it happened, so having these pictures will help support your claim.  

Once we arrive at your door, we will focus on locating the reason for the leak and addressing repairs right at the source. We certainly don’t want you to have to go through this again! At the same time, our cleaning crew will get to work on removing the sewage and standing water. We will request that you stay out of the area during this part to save your nose (and your stomachs) from the least pleasant part of this type of recovery.? 

After the space is cleaned and sanitized, we will be able to categorize the damage and we will work towards your reconstruction. Depending on how long the waste water was left to linger on your floors, you could be dealing with significant structural damage. Our team will be sure to rebuild and reconstruct your home with confidence!? 

Sewage leaks should always be cleaned up by professionals. Call SERVPRO and we will take care of you. 

The Best Alert? The Alert That Works for You | SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte

3/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm Let SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte help you get from April showers to May flowers.

The spring season in the Charlotte area is always an interesting one! It can be warm and dry, mild and rainy, or a combination of everything in between. In addition, we all need to keep an eye out for serious thunderstorms and severe weather.

While we can all glance at the sky when the clouds start to change, it is important to know far in advance when severe storms are in the area. Check out our tips below for some easy ways to stay connected and stay in the know when storms are on the horizon.

Connecting With the Internet

Is your phone in your hand right now? Or is it right next to you near your computer? We are constantly surrounded by electronics, especially our phones, so it should be no secret that the majority of our weather information comes from apps and other online sources. National Wireless Emergency Alerts is an alert system that can be issued automatically to your phone, just be sure that your notifications are turned on. You can (and should) also have an additional weather app that is specific to our location.

However, don’t just download the first weather app you see! Weather apps are created for different reasons, and some of them solely exist to create exaggerated or outlandish forecasts for likes or engagement. Stick with nationally recognized organizations or locally trusted sources. Check out the city of Charlotte’s website to make sure you have the most updated information and local alerts ready to go.

News stations and other weather channels are also great resources when a storm is in the area. Live footage can track as a system works its way across the city and local anchors can give real-time information of the conditions and can offer advice on when to shelter in place.

Other Alerts to Utilize

While having the internet is so helpful when it comes to emergency situations, it is unfortunately not guaranteed to have at any given time. Be sure to have at least one alert system that doesn’t require power in order to work. Once the power goes out, your TV won’t work and your phone and computer batteries will only work until they are drained.

Stay connected without power in a variety of ways! Locate your closest weather siren and walk around your house to listen for it during tests to see if you can hear it from any room in your home.

A helpful investment when it comes to weather alerts is in an NOAA weather radio. Weather radios will work regardless of your power situation as they can often be powered through hand-crank power or by solar power. Weather radios are also portable, which means you can take them with you as you navigate your property or shelter safely in your home.

We hope you have a safe spring weather season, but remember that we are here for you if your home or property suffers from any sort of damage. We will put your space back together again in no time at all.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 247 for immediate restoration assistance.

Tackling Business Damage After a Disaster | SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte

2/15/2024 (Permalink)

business man in office talking to female SERVPRO rep SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte is here for your business every step of the way, from ERPs to disaster recovery.

Even though you hopefully don’t dwell on the potential for disasters every day, the chance is unfortunately always there. A simple water leak, serious fire or disastrous flood could leave you with extensive damage and a lot of questions.

Thankfully, SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte is here to make sure your business recovers and reopens quickly no matter what! Read on to learn how our talented team will be there for you from start to finish.

Preparing for the Worst

While we don’t want the potential of a disaster to consume our thoughts, it is important to have a plan. If your team knows what to do before, during and after a disaster situation, you can stay in control and respond as an organized unit instead of devolving into chaos.

Communication is key when it comes to disaster responses, so focus on making sure your employees are connected with each other and that there is a strong chain of command. Your staff needs to know who is in charge of what ahead of a potential disaster.

In addition, they should all be familiar with where your emergency exits are located and how to access water shut-off valves and fire extinguishers. While your custodial staff may have these responsibilities handled, it is important for everyone to have a basic understanding of your building just in case.

Once the disaster has occurred and you have surveyed your building, it is important to keep your staff in good spirits and help everyone figure out where to go in the aftermath. Set up a remote work strategy or have a backup location in mind that your team can go to for the foreseeable future.

Recovering With SERVPRO®

Now that your team is secure and everyone is safe, it’s time to turn your attention to your recovery. Without the proper support and recovery plan, it can be really easy to experience long-term or even permanent closures. Call SERVPRO right away so we can get started on your restoration.

Our professional team will take over your space as soon as we get there so you can focus on your staff and your customers. People are naturally curious, and your customers are going to want to know what happened and when you plan on getting back open! The more communication and clear explanations, the better.

Depending on the specific situation, you may even be able to continue working in your building while we are restoring and repairing. You might just need to scale back for a while or adjust how you do things in the meantime. We will work with you where you are at to ensure everyone is successful under your roof.

The best way to avoid serious damage is to prepare ahead of time, but we are always here to help if your situation gets out of control or happens really unexpectedly. Call SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte for a quick and reliable restoration, and you can expect to be back open like new in no time at all.

Has your business experienced a disaster, or do you want help building an emergency plan? Contact us to find everything you need.

Relying on SERVPRO® to Recover From Disaster | SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte

2/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pounding down on a blacktop surface SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte is Here to Help® when any disaster strikes!

When disaster strikes, it always seems unexpected and can be really overwhelming. We often aren’t prepared and that can lead to further issues and a longer recovery period.

Disasters can happen when Mother Nature decides to bring a strong storm to town or they can even occur from something as simple as an overlooked leaky faucet in your utility room.

However they happen, having a reliable restoration company to handle your recovery is vital. That’s why SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte is here to help! A single phone call to our team will jumpstart your entire recovery process and we will take it from there.

Understanding Disasters

Depending on the particular disaster, you could be dealing with minor damage or be faced with seemingly insurmountable destruction. Unfortunately, acting quickly is crucial no matter your situation, otherwise the damage will continue to get worse as time goes on.

If your home floods during a heavy rain, it can cause structural damage but can also cause mold growth and rot over time. If you suffer a house fire, the initial destruction will be apparent, but you will also be left with water damage and lingering soot and smoke odors.

The longer you wait to address these issues, the worse they can get and recovery can become more costly at this point as well. Our team is proudly available 247 to respond to your call for help and we truly hope you call as soon as you suffer any sort of damage.

Relying on SERVPRO Every Step of the Way

When disaster strikes, pick up the phone and call us after you have determined that your family and neighbors are safe. We will get started by asking all kinds of questions about your situation so we can gather the right team and the right tools for your restoration. After that, we hop in our trucks and make our way to you!

Our highly trained team of experts will evaluate your damage situation firsthand when we arrive and then we will get to work on repairing, restoring and drying out your home. We only use the latest and most advanced equipment, so you can rest assured that your home is in good hands whenever one of our classic green trucks is in your drive.

If your roof suffers damage in a storm, we will work quickly to remove your possessions from the affected area while also tarping off the damaged section. If you experience a flood, we will prioritize removing standing water while also focusing on drying out your fragile or soft possessions.

We are even trained to handle any demolition projects if the damage is too extensive! We can tear down extremely damaged parts of your home and then rebuild them to exactly how they looked before the disaster occurred.

Total restoration also means that you only are working with us throughout your recovery process. Since we are trained in every aspect of disaster recovery, there is no need to be working with multiple different contractors to get the job done. We will take care of it all.

When the rain comes pouring in or a house fire causes chaos in the middle of the night, call SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte for a fast and thorough restoration.

Have you experienced a disaster and need restoration? Make one call to our office to start recovery fast.

Staying Warm Without Starting House Fires | SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte

1/16/2024 (Permalink)

brick chimney with lit fire logs Fire safety is a top priority for us at SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte this winter. Keep your home safe with these helpful tips!

The temperatures have dropped, and we are all spending much more time indoors at this time of year. While we are grateful to not suffer through extreme winter weather, we do see our fair share of chilly days and snow is not out of the question on any given year.

While we hunker down for the season, many of us lean on our heat sources like fireplaces and space heaters for some extra warmth. Unfortunately, that’s also what causes a spike in house fires across our community. Our SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte team explains more about how to stay warm without starting an out-of-control fire below.

Safeguarding Your Fireplace

A softly crackling fire can be the perfect backdrop for the season, but only if your fireplace is properly prepared. Wood-burning fireplaces need to be cleaned regularly to remove ash buildup, and the chimney should be inspected and cleaned to remove creosote buildup.

Keep flammable materials and possessions far away from the fireplace as well as off the mantle, and make sure you are checking your smoke detectors regularly and replacing batteries as needed. If your fireplace is gas or electric, you should be inspecting it before turning it on to check for loose lines or leaks.

Space Heaters

We all love the portability and convenience that space heaters can offer, but they can be dangerous if they are misused. In fact, space heater mishaps are responsible for 1,700 house fires every year.

The best way to avoid space heater fires is to make sure the surface you set yours up on is able to withstand the heat. Choose a hard, nonflammable surface that is far away from things like curtains and couch cushions, and always check the cord for signs of fraying before turning it on.

Create a three-foot barrier around your heaters to keep your kids and pets away from it, and never leave it unattended in a room. In addition, you should always be turning off your space heater completely before going to bed.

Safety Features to Look For

Not all space heaters are good investments, so doing your research before buying anything is always recommended. Just because it’s cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean its a good (or safe) deal!

First, choose a reliable company that has passed all of their certifications for safety and check their reviews to make sure it has been a reliable purchase for other users. A helpful feature that you should consider is a safety shutoff switch. These switches are programmed to turn your heater off after a certain period of use, which can be really helpful for busy families or if you have trouble remembering to turn things off.

Finally, you need to inspect the cord that is attached to the heater. It should be well-made and not showing any signs of fraying or have any loose connections, and it should also be at least six feet long so you can easily set it up in a safe location.

Have a safe and warm winter season! If you do suffer from any sort of fire damage, call SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte right away for a quick and reliable restoration.

A quick fire damage restoration is just a phone call away. Call SERVPRO® for immediate assistance.

Discovering Water Leaks With Confidence | SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte

1/2/2024 (Permalink)

close up of condensation on window pane and ledge Water damage can happen anywhere in your home. Call SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte to restore water damage on your property 24/7, 365.

Water is flowing in and out of your home all of the time. It flows out of your taps when you wash your hands, it drains down your utility sink when you run a load of laundry and it flows into your ice maker to slowly become ice cubes that will eventually chill your drinks.

Because of this close relationship that we have with water, the risk of suffering from water damage at any point is always constant. While it is not possible to always prevent water damage from occurring, knowing where it often starts can help you track down a problem quicker and with more confidence.

Your Sink Lines

You probably don’t think much of it when you wash your hands and watch the water flow down the drain, but that water has to go somewhere! You have water lines all over your home that are constantly pulling used water away and replacing it with fresh water. As your home gets older, these lines can start to experience wear and tear and can suffer leaks at any time.

Once a water leak starts under a cupboard or beneath a sink, it can quickly seep into your walls and floors and leak throughout your entire room or area of your house. Try to make it a habit to check your water lines when you are cleaning and address potential issues right away so you can prevent a much larger problem later.

Around Your Appliances

Having appliances in our home to help us accomplish tasks can be such a time saver! We rely on dishwashers, washing machines and water heaters on a daily basis, which also means that they could leak any day without much warning.

These types of leaks can be hard to spot right away because they often start underneath or behind your appliances. Try to pull your appliances away from the wall often to check for signs of damage like water spots, puddles or mold growth.

Under Floors and Behind Walls

Water pipes are located all over your home, but most of them are tucked away behind your walls. Unfortunately, water leaks can happen there as well and that can be really troublesome for your home. Over time, those water leaks can get into your floors and can be really hard to dry out on your own.

Water leaks behind walls and under floors often don’t show signs until the damage has already occurred. Because of that, keep an eye out for any dark spots on your walls or a musty odor that indicates a mold problem.

Your Windows

Experiencing occasional condensation on your windows is normal, but that condensation can linger or drip down onto your windowsills, which can cause the wood around your window casings and trim to swell and warp. Run your fingers along your windows after a rain and wipe down lingering condensation right away.

Moisture can also get into your home through your windows if there are any small gaps or cracks around the windows themselves. Even a small leak can build up over time and lead to serious structural integrity issues around your windows.

Unfortunately, not all water damage can be prevented. That’s where SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte comes into play! Our team offers quick and reliable water damage restoration no matter the extent of your damage and we are ready to help you 247.

Don’t ignore signs of water damage! Call SERVPRO® for a quick restoration.

Top Benefits of Using a Local Restoration Company | SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte

12/15/2023 (Permalink)

group of 3 SERVPRO reps standing near a green semi truck at a work site No job is too big or too small for our team of industry leading experts at SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte!

For many of us, the very thought of suffering a disaster at home or at work can give us anxiety and cause us to worry about the possibilities when it comes to recovering. It can happen in the blink of an eye and leave you with a serious problem!

Even if you are prepared or are aware of incoming severe weather, it can be a helpless feeling to watch your property become damaged when you can’t do anything about it.

No matter what happens to your home or business, SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte is right down the street and is always here for you.

Choosing the Right Company

Once you discover the damage or come upon it unexpectedly, your first priority should be setting up your restoration services. The faster you can get your restoration project completed, the less chance you have of developing serious structural issues or mold infestations.

Since we are local, we can be at your home right away! We are experiencing the same weather situations that you are, so we start getting our teams together when severe weather is forecast. In addition, we are also available 247, which is essential for a restoration service company. The team you choose should be friendly, knowledgeable and have extensive training on your particular disaster situation.

SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte does all of this and more! Our team understands the sensitive nature of disaster recovery and the emotional toll it can take. We work alongside you to explain every step of the process and to help you feel more confident in the repairs.

Experience Matters

While it is important to have a friendly face who is passionate about our community, another benefit of SERVPRO® is that we come with the backing of a national brand to help us along the way. We will always have the staff, the knowledge and the resources to tackle your particular restoration.

SERVPRO has been in business since 1967 and has grown to more than 2,000 locations across the nation, including our branch that services the northeast Charlotte communities.

Our crew will handle every aspect of your recovery from the initial boarding up and tarping service to the final rebuilding of your damaged home. We will also make sure that the team that shows up to your home has the right training to handle your home with confidence.

Our reliable history and passion for our community is part of what makes SERVPRO of Northeast Charlotte your No.1 restoration choice! We’ve got your back.

Want to learn more about everything we can do for you? Contact us to be prepared for anything.